Sunday, October 21, 2012



Friendly aliens!

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 11:01 AM PDT

In part two of our E.T. inspired recommended film lists, we thought we’d share the antidote to last week’s scary aliens list, and give some examples of friends from other worlds. See below the list for full details of our upcoming E.T. screening event at Newhaven Fort, we hope to see you all there!

*batteries not included (1987)

Set in a New York apartment block, this sweet family film from the 80s features the cutest aliens ever to be created from scrap metal. This, like E.T, is one of those films that to watch without shedding a tear is evidence of a heart of stone.

K-PAX (2001)

This is a great film (although, predictably an even greater series of books!), which is a kind of combination of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Starman. Kevin Spacey is perfectly cast, too – I saw him as the protagonist man/ alien, Prot, when I originally read the book.

Superman (1978)

Possibly the most helpful of all aliens (well, along with Dr Who) is Superman. Where would we be without him to save us in our every hour of need?

Lilo & Stitch (2002)

Less friendly, more naughty, but totally lovable. Stitch is the kind of alien anybody would have wanted as a pet when they were a child. This is a very fine Disney film indeed, standing as a beacon against such horrors as Treasure Planet.

Paul (2011)

It was only a question of time before uber-geeks Simon Pegg and Nick Frost starred in the UFO-related film, and Paul is certainly a very friendly being. It is a kind of ‘greatest hits’ of UFO sci fi, featuring so many homages that if you blink you’ll miss one!

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

..and so, this had to feature on this list. As all know, the friendliest of all aliens is of course E.T, but as we’re screening that on 3rd November (see below), we thought we’d give a plug to Spielberg’s other wonderful classic friendly alien film, Close Encounters. It will have you craving mashed potatoes. a brief round up of friendly aliens there, but why not come and see the friendliest of all extra terrestrial creatures, E.T: The Etra Terrestrial? 

For tickets, please contact Newhaven Fort, details are on their website. We hope to see you all there!


Saturday, October 13, 2012




Posted: 13 Oct 2012 11:29 AM PDT

Yes, it’s that wonderful month. We love Hallowe’en here at Filmspot, and seeing as how we are thinking in an extra terrestrial way at the moment, because of our upcoming ET screening (see below for details), we thought we’d give you a few scary alien picks, ready for Hallowe’en. If these are all a bit gruesome and threatening for you, then fear not! We have a softer, cuddlier, fuzzier alien film list coming next week!

Village of the Damned [1960]

Based on ‘The Midwich Cuckoos‘ by John Wyndham, this film doesn’t explicitly tell us that what we’re dealing with are aliens, but I’m  going along with the assumption that they are. The horror in this one comes purely from the uncanny behaviour of the unworldly-looking children. Martin Stephens, who played David (the leader of the alarming youths), is eerily cold and emotionless – his startlingly precise diction is one of the most unsettling elements of the film.

The Thing [1982]

John Carpenter’s remake of the 1950s flick ‘The Thing from Another World‘ is a gruesome festival of ridiculous gore. The special effects were cutting edge, and the antarctic setting gives the film a strange atmosphere from the very beginning. The alien we are dealing with here is about as horrific as you can imagine – a parasitic, shape shifting monster that assumes the form of every living thing it kills, and it certainly kills a lot during its 109 minutes… I think, given the choice, I’d rather encounter ET, thank you very much (these two films were released in the same year!)

Mars Attacks! [1996]

One of Tim Burton‘s finest, made before he went all family friendly on us. It’s a homage to the sci fi films he loved as a child, and is based on a series of Topp’s trading cards from the 1960s. The cast thoroughly enjoy every minute that they are on screen, playing up the schlock-factor, while the quirky humour, lush visuals and completely ridiculous gore give the film a freshness that Burton’s recent work has lacked. My only regret (being an animation fan) is that the original plans to have stop motion aliens, created by the  masterly Barry Purves, never came to fruition because of the escalating budget.

The Day the Earth Stood Still [1951]

Directed by the wonderful Robert Wise (who directed, amongst many others, The Haunting AND The Sound of Music!), this is one of the original, and finest, alien invasion films. Steeped in cold war paranoia,  the film is surprisingly thoughtful and optimistic. Although I have included it in the Hallowe’en ‘horror’ list, the aliens here are far from evil monsters – in fact, the humanoid Klaatu (Michael Rennie), has come to Earth to give an ultimatum to end our violent ways.  The theremin soundtrack instantly conjures up schlocky B-movie connotations, but bear in mind, this came before all of that. This is the real deal.

Alien [1979]

Alien is probably the scariest extra-terrestrial film of all time. It is almost also the goriest (but misses out to ‘The Thing’, above) mainly from one particular, infamous scene. The film works by playing on the claustrophobic atmosphere of the spaceship, Nostromo. Ridley Scott instructed the set builders to create the ship in dimensions to feel as claustrophobic as possible on camera, and it certainly works. Warrant Officer Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is also one of the best female protagonists of all time. Scott’s usual eye for detail together with H.R.Giger’s horribly sophisticated set designs make for a film that looks and feels like nothing else.

So… after all of those, I should think will need something a little bit more uplifting. Well, as promised above, here are the details of our E.T. screening!

Filmspot present a special 30th anniversary screening of
E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial
at Newhaven Fort, 3 November 2012, 3pm (film starts at 3.10pm)
Based on an imaginary friend created while his parents were divorcing, Spielberg’s iconic ‘E.T.’ broke box office records on release, and is one of the most successful science fiction films of all time. The story is centred on the friendship between E.T, a stranded alien visitor and Elliot, a lonely ten year old. Although it has its feet firmly set in the science fiction genre, the film is an utterly convincing portrayal of friendship and childhood – both charming and moving. By the end, there won’t be a dry eye in the house!

The historical setting of Newhaven Fort is the perfect setting for this special film event, which promises to be very atmospheric. There will be some special twists to set the scene, including light projections, 80s film trailers, specially chosen music and themed sweet treats for every audience member.

Tickets cost £6 for adults, £4 for children, and include entry to the Fort Museum. Advance booking is strongly recommended. Telephone Newhaven Fort for tickets: 01273 517622.


Thursday, September 27, 2012



The end of summer, and looking forward to Autumn!

Posted: 27 Sep 2012 03:05 AM PDT

Team Filmspot have had a great Summer – we hope that those of you who came along to Eastbourne enjoyed ‘The Muppets‘ and ‘Chariots of Fire‘, at the beginning of the month.

‘The Muppets’ was a great success, with glorious sunshine beating down on the Wish Tower Slopes. A big audience came along, many clutching their very own muppets - it was good to see so many Kermits and Gonzos in attendance!

The people of Eastbourne, settling down in the sunshine for a screening of ‘The Muppets’.

Unfortunately, the sun did not have his hat on for ‘Chariots of Fire’ the following day, but those who braved the elements certainly seemed to enjoy themselves, and it is always good to see this classic – as one last hurrah for the Olympic/ Paralympic season!

Unfortunately, the weather was against us at ‘Chariots of Fire’. It was a bit grey and drizzly, but still we had plenty of film fans who battled the elements, wrapped in blankets, to watch the film.
Many people brought picnics, including Team Filmspot – who enjoyed it while the sun was still (weakly) shining, at the beginning of the event!

So, now we’re looking towards Autumn. We have many plans for the upcoming season, some are yet to be confirmed, so do keep an eye on the blog and the website. At the moment, our next confirmed screening is ‘ET’ at Newhaven Fort on Saturday 3 November (Doors 3pm, film 3.10pm). It will be a real occasion – an event to ward off the Autumn chill – with some typically Filmspot twists.

So, here to whet your appetite is the trailer!

Hope to see you all there!


Thursday, September 6, 2012



STOP PRESS: Chariots of Muppets descending upon Eastbourne this weekend – and Willy Wonka report

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 01:19 PM PDT

Hello Filmspotters! Lots of news for you in this blog, so I’ll just plough straight in!

Filmspot have helped to organise films for Eastbourne Borough Council’s Great British Weekend, this weekend. The event will take place at the Wish Tower Slopes, and are completely free! The films are to complement two fantastic live events, shown on a big screen, organised by the Borough Council.

On Saturday 8 September, the celebrations kick off at 4.30pm, with a screening of The Muppets [2011], followed by the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms, featuring music from Delius, Verdi,Puccini, Dvorak, Richard Rodgers, John Williams Olympic Fanfare and theme and the traditional Henry Wood Fantasia on British Sea Songs together with Edward Elgar's Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem orchestration.

So, to whet your appetite, here’s a splendidly ridiculous musical moment:

On Sunday 9 September, we will all be getting into the 2012 spirit with Chariots of Fire [1981] at 4.30pm, which will of course be followed by the London 2012 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony at 7pm, including the parade of athletes, the extinguishing of the Paralympic flame and the passing of the flag to the next host city of Rio de Janeiro, along with musical performances headlined by Coldplay.

Here’s a taster of Sunday’s iconic offering:

There will be a bar and refreshments for both evenings, and dressing in your best red, white and blue is definitely encouraged! It promises to be a really fun, lively weekend.

For further details, please see or call 0871 663 0031.


Yes, apologies for taking a while to post these photographs, but it has taken a few days for the Filmspot team to come back to reality after entering a world of pure imagination at Newhaven Fort over the August Bank Holiday weekend.


Martyna Dawidowska created a fantastic short animation, especially for the event, which was projected in the Eastern Magazine and at the beginning of the screening


Two of our wonderful volunteers, Sophie Halas and Alexia Lazou, helped to greet the audience


….and everybody in the audience enjoyed a Wonka-themed treat – delightful Wonka-esque marshmallows, sourced by Sweet Moments in Seaford, and quirky cake pops

It was a sell-out show!


Designer-maker Adam Prior did a fantastic job on the brilliant props for the event – even Willy Wonka himself seems to approve!


As ever, veteran Filmspotter Lukas looked the part! This time, seeming to channel the spirit of Wonka himself!


So here’s the team (L-R: Alexia, Sophie, Filmspot Co-Directors Rob Cunningham and Rachel Hunter, Designer Adam Prior and Magician David Girt

This great musical has a dedicated following – we had lots of interest in the event, and you may have seen/ heard some of the local media coverage. We were featured on  BBC Radio Sussex and in The Argus and Sussex Express. We’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who came along and all our helpers – you all helped to create a really magical atmosphere!

….so that’s it for now! I hope you’re now all off ransacking your wardrobes for your best red, white and blue – and we’ll see you in Eastbourne!

Saturday, August 18, 2012



…in honour of the star of next week’s show…!

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 05:20 PM PDT

We thought we’d just remind you all why you have to love Gene Wilder! Here we go…

1. The Young Frankenstein [1974]

Personally, this is my favourite Mel Brooks creation – partly because of my love of the original ‘Frankenstein’ (which is one of the reasons we screened the 1931 Frankenstein as our inaugural event, way back in 2009!).

2. Stir Crazy [1980]

Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor were just so good together!

3. The World’s Greatest Lover [1977]

Ok, I don’t think this is Wilder’s finest hour, but there are some pretty silly moments, that just can’t fail but make me laugh in this. Who is the world’s greatest lover? Why, obviously…

4. The Producers [1968]

From one of Wilder’s weaker performances to one of his most memorable – a possibly the most widely praised collaboration with Mel Brooks.

5. The Frisco Kid [1979]

Surprisingly, the chemistry between Harrison Ford and Gene Wilder works well. A slightly unusual, but very strong performance from Wilder, too!


…so… after all of these reminders, who could resist coming along to our screening of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory next Sunday, to see him in his most memorable role, as the great man himself?

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
Sunday 26 August, 2pm
Tickets £6 adults/ £4 children
Advance booking strongly recommended. Telephone Newhaven Fort for tickets on 01273 517622, or reply to this email for more details.

The Filmspot team has enlisted the help of carpenter and designer Adam Prior, from Torbay, to create over-sized lollipops, candy cane vines and tea cup bushes to dress parts of the fort into a temporary ‘candyland’. Talented animation student, Martyna Dawidoska, is creating special projections, based on the colourful musical, which will be located in the underground tunnels at the Fort. A cast of unusual characters will be helping Filmspot out around the fort, including a magician, some oompa loompas – and even the great man himself.
A Wonka-themed treat is included in the ticket price, and these have been sourced by Sweet Moments in Seaford (
…so to finish up, here’s a lovely clip of Mr Wilder at his finest!
We hope to see you all there!


Sunday, August 5, 2012



Willy Wonka & other bizarre cinematic feasts

Posted: 05 Aug 2012 10:07 AM PDT


We are gearing up for our next big screening of the summer: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, at Newhaven Fort, at 2pm on Sunday 26th August. It’s going to be a rather special event, so we hope to see you all there!

Adam Prior, Team Filmspot’s star prop-maker, has been working his socks off making over-sized lollipops, and we will be transforming parts of Newhaven Fort into a ‘candy wonderland’. Talented animation student, Martyna Dawidoska, is creating special projections, which will be located in some of the underground tunnels at the Fort, based on the colourful musical. There will also be Wonka-themed ‘snack packs’ are included in the ticket price.

Tickets cost £6 for adults, £4 for children, and include entry to the Fort Museum. Advance booking is strongly recommended. Telephone Newhaven Fort for tickets: 01273 517622.

Inspired by the upcoming screening, we have been thinking about  some of the most bizarre and unlikely food moments on film, here are a few of our favourites:

God of Cookery [1996]

We are fans of Stephen Chow‘s idiotic humour here at Team Filmspot, and here is one of Chow’s ridiculously silly dishes from ‘God of Cookery’.

Modern Times [1936]

Chaplin often involved food in his films, and in modern times, he combines this fascination with his critique of the machine age, and creates this hilarious, but worrying force-feeding contraption.


Werner Herzog Eats his Shoe [1980]

A short documentary by Les Blank ‘Werner Herzog Eats his Shoe’ depicts Herzog fulfilling his promise that if director Errol Morris completed his documentary ‘Gate of Heaven’, he would eat his own shoe. The shoes were cooked slowly, for five hours, stuffed with garlic, chilli sauce and herbs – and Herzog ate them just prior to the premiere of ‘Gates of Heaven‘…


Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoise [1972]

Probably the most frustrating series of dinner parties ever committed to film, ‘Discreet Charm of the Bourgoeoise’ depicts a group of well-to-do sophisticates trying, and failing, to sit down to a meal together. This sharp, surreal comedy is one of Luis Brunel’s most accessible films, it is like a complex web of dreams.


Harry Potter series [2001-11]

I thought I’d finish with something a bit more appetising! Leaping chocolate frogs, Bertie Bott‘s Every Flavour Jelly Beans and (who could possibly forget?!) butterbeer. The Potter series is so universally popular because it combines nostalgia with the impossible!
We couldn’t find a suitable sweetie-related clip for you, but thought that this recipe of butterbeer is well worth a try!


If you have any surreal or unlikely food related clips, let us know!
Can’t wait to see you all on 26th August!